Adele was commissioned by Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board in February 2014 to undertake an independent audit relating to child sexual exploitation and young people reported as missing or absent from care in Derbyshire.
The work involved the interrogation of the Derbyshire Children’s Recording System, scrutiny of detailed case notes, interviews with professionals, conversations with young people and reporting on findings.
Adele completed all tasks to timescale, her organisation skills were impeccable and her work was extremely thorough and detailed.
Adele was commissioned again by Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board in November 2014 for a larger scale audit focussing on practitioner responses to children and young people at risk of child sexual exploitation in the Derbyshire County area 2013-2014. This was a piece of work lasting six months and, whilst involving the skills and tasks listed above, additionally the audit included two practitioner learning events using the Welsh Child Practice Review model. The events were very successful in terms of learning for the DSCB but also positively received by the professionals who were involved from many different agencies (health, police, children’s services and education). I worked closely with Adele regarding the two learning events and in preparation for the events I observed her interview a young person and the families who were subject of the cases under review. Adele managed the visits with sensitivity and understanding. At the practitioner events I saw Adele facilitate the meetings with professionalism and tact, she has an ability to relate well to professionals, but challenge as necessary
Adele has prepared a comprehensive report with recommendations as a result of the work and has attended a meeting with senior managers to discuss findings. Again this demonstrated her ability to communicate clearly and with confidence at all levels.
I am aware that Adele has successfully completed training in the Welsh Child Practice Review model, training which was jointly commissioned by Derbyshire and Derby City LSCBs.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Adele as an NSPCC Associate